RAWS Technology is Proven to Depolymerize Plastics.

Here are the Results of our Product Testings

A. Polypropylene (PP) Sheet

Status: Completed

Phase I: ASTM D6954 Tier 1

Phase II: ISO 24187:2023 Policy Framework

PP Sheet after Tier 1- remnants tested for Microplastics, using FTIR, GCMS, GPC
Average Molecular weight of samples is 1950 Da
Test results show no typical PP plastics or microplastic polymer structure and no molecular weight detected

B. Black Polypropylene (PP) Flowerpot

Status: Completed

Phase I: ASTM D6954 Tier 1

Testing Sample: a vertical strip is cut from the container, encompassing the full thickness of the product from the rim to the bottom

Phase II: ISO 24187:2023 Policy Framework

PP Flowerpot remnants tested for Microplastics, using FTIR, GCMS, GPC
Average Molecular weight of samples is 3392 Da
Test results show no typical PP plastics or microplastic polymer structure and no molecular weight detected

C. PE Plastic Cling Film

Status: Completed

Phase I: ASTM D6954 Tier 1

D. Black Polypropylene (PP) Food Container

Status: Ongoing

Phase I: ASTM D6954 Tier 1

Testing Sample: a vertical strip is cut from the container, encompassing the full thickness of the product from the rim to the bottom

Phase II: ISO 24187:2023 Policy Framework

Testing to follow once Average Molecular Weight is below 5000 Da

E .5mm Plastic Sheet

Status: Completed

Phase I: ASTM D6954 Tier 1